# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The University of Utah and Barnstormer Softworks, Ltd.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
"""Library for dealing with scripts that are run in the context of a portal."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import os
import atexit
import warnings
import json
import argparse
from argparse import Namespace
from .rspec import igext
from .rspec import pgmanifest
from .rspec.pg import Request
[docs]class ParameterType (object):
"""Parameter types understood by Context.defineParameter()."""
INTEGER = "integer" #: Simple integer
STRING = "string" #: Any string
BOOLEAN = "boolean" #: True/False
IMAGE = "image" #: URN specifying a particular image
AGGREGATE = "aggregate" #: URN specifying an Aggregate Manger
NODETYPE = "nodetype" #: String specifying a type of node
BANDWIDTH = "bandwidth" #: Floating-point number to be used for bandwidth
LATENCY = "latency" #: Floating-point number to be used for latency
SIZE = "size" #: Integer for size (eg. MB, GB, etc.)
PUBKEY = "pubkey" #: An RSA public key.
LOSSRATE = "lossrate" #: Floating-point number 0.0 <= N < 1.0
argparsemap = { INTEGER: int, STRING: str, BOOLEAN: bool, IMAGE: str,
LATENCY: float, SIZE: int, PUBKEY: str, LOSSRATE: float }
[docs]class Context (object):
"""Handle context for scripts being run inside a portal.
This class handles context for the portal, including where to put output
RSpecs and handling parameterized scripts.
Scripts using this class can also be run "standalone" (ie. not by the
portal), in which case they take parameters on the command line and put
RSpecs on the standard output.
This class is a singleton. Most programs should access it through the
portal.context variable; any additional "instances" of the object will
be references to this."""
"""This is a singleton class; only one can exist at a time
This is implemented by overriding __new__"""
_instance = None
_initialized = False
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if not cls._instance:
cls._instance = super(Context, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
return cls._instance
def __init__ (self):
# If someone accidentally calls the constructor on the singleton, this
# prevents us for wiping out its previous state
if self.__class__._initialized:
self._request = None
self._suppressAutoPrint = False
self._parameters = {}
self._parameterGroups = {}
self._parameterOrder = []
self._parameterErrors = []
self._parameterWarnings = []
self._parameterWarningsAreFatal = False
self._bindingDone = False
if 'GENILIB_PORTAL_MODE' in os.environ:
self._standalone = False
self._portalRequestPath = os.environ.get('GENILIB_PORTAL_REQUEST_PATH',None)
self._dumpParamsPath = os.environ.get('GENILIB_PORTAL_DUMPPARAMS_PATH',None)
self._readParamsPath = os.environ.get('GENILIB_PORTAL_PARAMS_PATH',None)
self._parameterWarningsAreFatal = \
self._standalone = True
self._portalRequestPath = None
self.__class__._initialized = True
[docs] def bindRequestRSpec (self, rspec):
"""Bind the given request RSpec to the context, so that it can be
automatically used with methods like printRequestRSpec.
At the present time, only one request can be bound to a context"""
if self._request is None:
self._request = rspec
# This feature removed until we can think through all the corner cases
# better
#sys.excepthook = self._make_excepthook()
raise MultipleRSpecError
[docs] def makeRequestRSpec (self):
"""Make a new request RSpec, bind it to this context, and return it"""
rspec = Request()
return rspec
[docs] def printRequestRSpec (self, rspec = None):
"""Print the given request RSpec, or the one bound to this context if none
is given.
If run standalone (not in the portal), the request will be printed to the
standard output; if run in the portal, it will be placed someplace the
portal can pick it up.
If the given rspec does not have a Tour object, this will attempt to
build one from the file's docstring"""
if rspec is None:
if self._request is not None:
rspec = self._request
raise NoRSpecError("None supplied or bound to context")
if not rspec.hasTour():
tour = igext.Tour()
if tour.useDocstring():
if any(self._parameters):
self._suppressAutoPrint = True
[docs] def defineParameter (self, name, description, typ, defaultValue, legalValues = None,
longDescription = None, advanced = False, groupId = None, hide=False,
"""Define a new paramter to the script.
The given name will be used when parameters are bound. The description is
brief help text that will be shown to the user when making his/her selection. The
type should be one of the types defined by ParameterType. defaultValue is
required, but legalValues (a list) is optional; the defaultValue must be
one of the legalValues. Entries in the legalValues list may be either
simple strings (eg. "m400"), in which case they will be show directly to
the user, or 2-element tuples (eg. ("m400", "ARM64"),), in which the second
entry is what is shown to the user. defaultValue may be a tuple, so that
one can pass, say, 'legalvalues[0]' for the option. The longDescription is
an optional, detailed description of this parameter and how it relates to
other parameters; it will be shown to the user if they ask to see the help,
or as a pop-up/tooltip. advanced, group, and groupName all provide parameter
group abstractions. Parameter groups are hidden by default from the user,
and the user can expand them to view and modify them if desired. By setting
advanced to True, you create a parameter group named "Advanced Parameters";
this group will not exist or be shown if none of your parameters set the
'advanced' argument to True.
After defining parameters, bindParameters() must be called exactly once."""
if isinstance(defaultValue, tuple):
defaultValue = defaultValue[0]
if legalValues and defaultValue not in Context._legalList(legalValues):
raise IllegalParameterDefaultError(defaultValue)
self._parameters[name] = {'description': description, 'type': typ,
'defaultValue': defaultValue, 'legalValues': legalValues,
'longDescription': longDescription, 'advanced': advanced,
'hide': hide, 'prefix': prefix}
if groupId is not None:
self._parameters[name]['groupId'] = groupId
if len(self._parameters) == 1:
[docs] def defineParameterGroup(self, groupId, groupName):
Define a parameter group. Parameters may be added to this group, which has
an identifying token composed of alphanumeric characters (groupId), and a
human-readable name (groupName). Groups are intended to be used for advanced
parameters; in the portal UI, they hidden in an expandable panel with the
groupName --- and the user can choose to see and modify them, or not. You
do not need to specify any groups; you can simply stuff all your parameters
into the "Advanced Parameters" group by setting the 'advanced' argument of
defineParameter to True. If you need multiple groups, define your own
groups this way.
self._parameterGroups[groupId] = groupName
[docs] def bindParameters (self,altParamSrc=None):
"""Returns values for the parameters defined by defineParameter().
Returns a Namespace (like argparse), so if you call foo = bindParameters(), a
parameter defined with name "bar" is accessed as foo.bar . Since defaults
are required, all parameters are guaranteed to have values in the Namespace
If run standaline (not in the portal), parameters are pulled from the command
line (try running with --help); if run in the portal, they are pulled from
the portal itself. Or, if you provide the altParamSrc argument, you can
specify your own parameters. If altParamSrc is a dict, we will bind the
params as a dict, using the keys as parameter names, and the values as
parameter values. If altParamSrc is a geni.rspec.pgmanifest.Manifest, we
will extract the parameters and their values from the Manifest. Finally,
if altParamSrc is a string, we'll try to parse it as a PG manifest xml
document. No other forms of altParamSrc are currently specified."""
self._bindingDone = True
if altParamSrc:
if type(altParamSrc) == dict:
return self._bindParametersDict(altParamSrc)
elif type(altParamSrc) == pgmanifest.Manifest:
return self._bindParametersManifest(manifestObj)
elif type(altParamSrc) == str:
manifestObj = pgmanifest.Manifest(xml=altParamSrc)
return self._bindParametersManifest(manifestObj)
ex = sys.exc_info()[0]
raise ParameterBindError("assumed str altParamSrc was xml manifest, but"
" parse error: %s" % (str(ex),))
raise ParameterBindError("unknown altParamSrc type: %s"
% (str(type(altParamSrc)),))
elif self._standalone:
return self._bindParametersCmdline()
if self._dumpParamsPath:
return self._bindParametersEnv()
[docs] def makeParameterWarningsFatal (self):
Enable this option if you want to return an error to the user for
incorrect parameter values, even if they can be autocorrected. This can
be useful to show the user that
self._parameterWarningsAreFatal = True
[docs] def reportError (self,parameterError,immediate=False):
Report a parameter error to the portal. @parameterError is an
exception object of type ParameterError. If @immediate is True,
your script will exit immediately at this point with a dump of the
errors (and fatal warnings, if enabled via
Context.makeParameterWarningsFatal) in JSON format. If @immediate
is False, the errors will accumulate until Context.verifyParameters
is called (and the errors will then be printed).
if immediate:
[docs] def reportWarning (self,parameterError):
Record a parameter warning. Warnings will be printed if there are
other errors or if warnings have been set to be fatal, when
Context.verifyParameters() is called, or when there is another
subsequent immediate error.
[docs] def verifyParameters (self):
If there have been calls to Context.parameterError, and/or to
Context.parameterWarning (and Context.makeParameterWarningsFatal has
been called, making warnings fatal), this function will spit out some
nice JSON-formatted exception info on stderr
if len(self._parameterErrors) == 0 \
and (len(self._parameterWarnings) == 0 \
or not self._parameterWarningsAreFatal):
return 0
# Dump a JSON list of typed errors.
ea = []
# Exit with a count of errors and (fatal) warnings, added to 100 ...
# try to distinguish ourselves meaningfully!
retcode = len(self._parameterErrors)
if self._parameterWarningsAreFatal:
retcode += len(self._parameterWarnings)
[docs] def suppressAutoPrint (self):
Suppress the automatic printing of the bound RSpec that normally happens
when the program exits.
self._suppressAutoPrint = True
def _legalList(l):
return [x if not isinstance(x, tuple) else x[0] for x in l]
def _bindParametersCmdline (self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
for name in self._parameterOrder:
opts = self._parameters[name]
if opts['legalValues']:
legal = Context._legalList(opts['legalValues'])
legal = None
parser.add_argument("--" + name,
type = ParameterType.argparsemap[opts['type']],
default = opts['defaultValue'],
choices = legal,
help = opts['description'])
args = parser.parse_args()
for name in self._parameterOrder:
self._parameters[name]['value'] = getattr(args, name)
return args
def _bindParametersEnv (self):
namespace = Namespace()
paramValues = {}
if self._readParamsPath:
f = open(self._readParamsPath, "r")
paramValues = json.load(f)
for name in self._parameterOrder:
opts = self._parameters[name]
val = paramValues.get(name, opts['defaultValue'])
val = ParameterType.argparsemap[opts['type']](val)
except Exception:
self.reportError(ParameterError("Could not coerce '%s' to '%s'" %
(val, opts['type']), [name]))
if opts['legalValues'] and val not in Context._legalList(opts['legalValues']):
self.reportError(ParameterError("Illegal value '%s'" % (val,), [name]))
setattr(namespace, name, val)
self._parameters[name]['value'] = val
# This might not return.
return namespace
def _bindParametersDict(self,paramValues):
namespace = Namespace()
for name in self._parameterOrder:
opts = self._parameters[name]
val = paramValues.get(name, opts['defaultValue'])
if type(opts['defaultValue']) == bool:
if val == "False" or val == "false":
val = False
elif val == "True" or val == "true":
val = True
val = ParameterType.argparsemap[opts['type']](val)
val = ParameterType.argparsemap[opts['type']](val)
print "ERROR: Could not coerce '%s' to '%s'" % (val, opts['type'])
if opts['legalValues'] and \
val not in Context._legalList(opts['legalValues']):
print "ERROR: Illegal value '%s'" % (val,),[name]
setattr(namespace, name, val)
self._parameters[name]['value'] = val
# This might not return.
self._bindingDone = True
return namespace
def _bindParametersManifest(self,manifest):
pdict = {}
for manifestParameter in manifest.parameters:
pdict[manifestParameter.name] = manifestParameter.value
return self._bindParametersDict(pdict)
def _dumpParamsJSON (self):
# Output the parameter dict in sorted order (sorted in terms of parameter
# definition order). This is correct, identical to json.dump (other than
# key order), and much easier than subclassing json.JSONEncoder :).
didFirst = False
f = open(self._dumpParamsPath, "w+")
for name in self._parameterOrder:
if didFirst:
f.write(', ')
didFirst = True
opts = self._parameters[name]
if opts.has_key('groupId') \
and self._parameterGroups.has_key(opts['groupId']):
opts['groupName'] = self._parameterGroups[opts['groupId']]
f.write(': ')
def _checkBind (self):
if len(self._parameters) > 0 and not self._bindingDone:
warnings.warn("Parameters were defined, but never bound with " +
" bindParameters()", RuntimeWarning)
def _autoPrintRequest (self):
if not self._suppressAutoPrint:
def _make_excepthook (self):
old_excepthook = sys.excepthook
def _excepthook(type, value, traceback):
return old_excepthook(type, value, traceback)
return _excepthook
context = Context()
Module-global Context object - most users of this module should simply use
this rather than trying to create a new Context object
def get_context():
return context
class PortalJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o,PortalError):
return o.__objdict__()
# First try the default encoder:
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
except Exception:
# Then try to return a string, at least
return str(o)
except Exception:
# Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
# Define some exceptions. Everybody should subclass PortalError.
class PortalError (Exception):
def __init__(self,message):
super(PortalError, self).__init__()
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.message
def __objdict__(self):
retval = dict({ 'errorType': self.__class__.__name__, })
for k in self.__dict__.keys():
if k == 'errorType':
if k.startswith('_'):
retval[k] = self.__dict__[k]
return retval
[docs]class ParameterError (PortalError):
A simple class to describe a parameter error. If you need to report
an error with a user-specified parameter value to the Portal UI,
please create (don't throw) one of these error objects, and tell the
Portal about it by calling Context.reportError.
def __init__(self,message,paramList):
Create a ParameterError. @message is the overall error message;
in the Portal Web UI, it will be displayed near each involved
parameter for maximal impact. @paramList is a list of the
parameters that are involved in the error (often it is the
combination of parameters that creates the error condition).
The Portal UI will show this error message near *each* involved
parameter to increase user understanding of the error.
super(ParameterError, self).__init__(message)
self.params = paramList
[docs]class ParameterWarning (PortalError):
A simple class to describe a parameter warning. If you need to
report an warning with a user-specified parameter value to the
Portal UI, please create (don't throw) one of these error objects,
and tell the Portal about it by calling Context.reportWarning . The
first time the Portal UI runs your geni-lib script with a user's
parameter values, it turns on the "warnings are fatal" mode (and
then warnings are reported as errors). This gives you a chance to
warn the user that they might be about to do something stupid,
and/or suggest a set of modified values that will improve the
situation. .
def __init__(self,message,paramList,fixedValues=None):
Create a ParameterWarning. @message is the overall error
message; in the Portal Web UI, it will be displayed near each
involved parameter for maximal impact. @paramList is a list of
the parameters that are involved in the warning (often it is the
combination of parameters that creates the error condition).
The Portal UI will show this warning message near *each*
involved parameter to increase user understanding of the error.
If you supply the @fixedValue dict, the Portal UI will change
the values the user submitted to those you suggest (and it will
tell them it did so). You might want to supply @fixedValues for
a proper warning, because if something is only a warning, that
implies your script can and will proceed in the absence of
further user input. But sometimes we want to let the user know
that a parameter change will occur, so we warn them and
super(ParameterWarning, self).__init__(message)
self.params = paramList
if not fixedValues: fixedValues = {}
self.fixedValues = fixedValues
class IllegalParameterDefaultError (PortalError):
def __init__ (self,val):
super(IllegalParameterDefaultError, self).__init__("no message?")
self._val = val
def __str__ (self):
return "% given as a default value, but is not listed as a legal value" % self._val
class ParameterBindError (PortalError):
def __init__ (self,val):
super(ParameterBindError, self).__init__("no message?")
self._val = val
def __str__ (self):
return "bad parameter binding: %s" % str(self._val,)
class NoRSpecError (PortalError):
def __init__ (self,val):
super(NoRSpecError, self).__init__("no message?")
self._val = val
def __str__ (self):
return "No RSpec given: %s" % str(self._val,)
class MultipleRSpecError (PortalError):
def __init__ (self,val):
super(MultipleRSpecError, self).__init__("no message?")
self._val = val
def __str__ (self):
return "Only one RSpec can be bound to a portal.Context"